January 2025
Gathering Strength of Heart
A happy new year to you, dear friends!
Welcome to the New World Story, which has fully arrived, as of this month. And with it, the need to discern, discern, discern. The simple task here at the beginning of January is to know what is yours and what isn't – jobs, relationships, responsibilities, sevas, thoughts, neuroses, dreams, emotions, cities, judgments, irritations, fears, story lines, intentions, identities, futures... If it is not yours, you can put it down now. The energy you free up for what *is* yours will be noticeable!
Having clarity around how you spend your time and energy will serve you well right now. You may be shedding several skins this year (Jan. 29 is Chinese New Year and this is the year of the Snake) so conserving your energy for the molting ahead is wise. By the time we reach Dec. 31, 2025, we will be distilled versions of ourselves, our essence shining through.
Sometime this month I will send out a short video with a forecast for 2025. The year features a swarm of discrete, tandem realities. More on all that in the forecast!
For now, please read on for January's planetary weather...
January Astro Weather Highlights
The dawn of 2025 heralds a new world story. Learning how to surf the unknown will come in handy, as we have some big evolutionary waves coming this year. A great way to gather the strength of heart needed will be to focus on simple joys – taking in a sunset, savoring a moment of affection, letting that morning birdsong lift your spirits.
Dec. 6, 2024 through Feb. 23, 2025
Mars Retrograde
This Mars retrograde period could be a long, clumsy tumble through tricky terrain. This will be a time for working with anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance. Mars retrograde can bring up the pout of frustrated desires in us. The more skilled we are at working with our own anger, the less damage we will be prone to creating.
Through this 11-week period we are asked to look at our desires and what motivates them. With enormous self-compassion we can work with these desires like we would with a child. For instance, if we wanted to win that election, that job, that person, that new house, that race, we can ask ourselves, "what would winning that have given me?" Then we can try to give ourselves the desire underneath the desire, even if only in our mind's eye. (Hint: most desires boil down to some core things like, Love, Acceptance, Belonging, and Being Seen for Our Light.)
January 3
Retrograde Mars opposite Pluto
Overdrive on overdrive
The seeding of general antipathy in the collective. Acts of aggression, force, violence. Also, the personal act of marshaling emotional energy for transformation.
(Mars stations direct on Feb. 23; the third and final Mars Pluto opposition comes on April 27.)
January 13
Full Moon in Punarvasu
Along with the fleeting stability of mid January comes this full moon which gives us an illumined glimpse of the wholeness we know we are.
I will offer an expanded summary of this New Moon on Instagram.
January 15
Mars opposite Sun
The best offense is a good defense
On this day it's best to attempt to receive and really hear the strong statements of loved ones, even those made in anger. Knowing how to skillfully navigate conflict may come in handy. Drive defensively.
January 19
Venus conjunct Saturn
Not the most affectionate or warm day of January. On this day before Inauguration, the sentiment on both sides of the aisle is mostly, "let's just get this over with."
Austerity. Paucity of goodwill. Effective commitments. The acceptable minimum of beauty, social grace, or style. Maybe don't plan a wedding for this day.
January 21
Sun conjunct Pluto
Drunk on power
A day of ruthlessness. Power amassed, grows.
January 23
Mercury opposite Mars
Spicy conversations
Arguments are possible. Sharp words are likely. Use the energy of this transit to energize conversations while practicing right speech.
January 29
New Moon in Shravana, (and Chinese New Year)
Listening for the deeper frequencies
The universe is whispering secrets at this New Moon and if you get quiet enough you will hear them.
I will offer an expanded summary of this New Moon on Instagram.
January 29
Mercury conjunct Pluto
Deep discussions. Telling the truth. Secrets exposed. Communicating with force. The day of the power broker.
January 30
Uranus stations direct
There's a Wolf in the Hen House
Awakened from a semi-sleep: unpredictability, abandoning traditions, disregard for rules, chaotic events. Also, strokes of brilliance, thinking outside the box, the excitement of change.
I will offer an expanded summary of this New Moon on Instagram.