As an animist, kincentric astrologer, I translate the language of the earth and the planets. I accompany souls on their path, midwiving their evolution.
A counseling astrologer for over twenty years, Marga Laube has supported thousands of people across the threshold of their transformation. Assisting individuals and communities through their evolution is her life’s calling, and also the subject of her book, Agents of Evolution: An Astrological Guide for Transformative Times, published in 2021.
I work with people who are in conscious relationship with their own evolution.
Marga’s orientation to service was first formed by the deeply spiritual, Christian household in which she was raised, by a father from Germany and a mother from South India. She has practiced an ancient system of nondual, Kashmir Shaivite philosophy since 1992, and served on staff at a Hindu monastery for two years. She spent over twelve years steeped in Advaita Vedanta with nondual teacher, Adyashanti, and has also been a student of Buddhist teachings. She apprenticed with her Vedic Astrology mentor, James Kelleher, for four years in the early 2000's, and holds advanced certifications with the Council of Vedic Astrology.
Additionally, she has a background in ancestral healing, animist psychology, collective trauma healing, and kincentric leadership.
Marga lives with her partner in Miami, FL, listening to the natural world in a land disrupted by the climate crisis. In recent years she has been called to work with individuals and communities experiencing grief and sudden transition due to climate change. She is currently training to serve as a Buddhist Eco-Chaplain.
She goes where she is guided.