November 2023: Healing What Can't Be Healed

November 2023: Healing What Can't Be Healed

November 2023Healing What Can't Be Healed

Dear Agents of Evolution,

I know heartbreak moves through us all right now.

November just might be the most austere month of the year. Not a lot of fluff to play with. We'll be gazing dead-on, at the biggest picture issues.

Yet there is also a powerful current of reclamation available this month, a kind of returning home to the truth at the core of who we are as a human family.

In an effort to help us strengthen our rootedness in Truth, calling in all the bright, beneficent help coming to us here on the earth plane from the spirit plane, I will be hosting a free meditation gathering on Thurs. Nov. 2 for Day of the Dead, at 8pm Eastern Time.


November Astro Weather Highlights

October 31

Nodes shift to Pisces/ Virgo (Mean Node Calculation)

From effectiveness to surrender

The Libra/ Aries axis where the nodes have been housed for the past 18 months is imbued with action, forward motion, effectiveness, social building. The Pisces/ Virgo axis the nodes now move into for the next 18 months are less about building, and more about tearing down; less about amassing conquests and more about being with suffering and addressing all forms of dysregulation and dysfunction; less about adventure and enjoyment and more about humility and gratitude.

As we adjust to the turning of the world's karmic axis, I imagine many will make pivots back to their spirituality roots as a response to the bewilderment that indigestible collective trauma brings.


November 4

Saturn stations direct (and Venus opposes Neptune)

Time to move forward with plans

While Saturn has been retrograde since June 17, we have been in a bit of a holding tank around waking world "progress" and "productivity" that has allowed ideation to incubate.

As Saturn turns direct we will find ourselves establishing new rhythms that reflect the fruits of the ideation phase as well as match the new tenor of the times.

We are all a little softened by a Venus/ Neptune compassion for suffering. Saturn's station gives us the determination to do something about it.


November 10 and 11

Saturn squares Mercury (Nov. 10)

Mars opposes Uranus (Nov. 11)

Tense negotiations + eccentric, unpredictable cowboy energy, or, awakening to Change

Setting the stage for the New Moon, this transit may usher in unpredictable new contracts of collaboration between unlikely parties. The negotiations may be tense and uncomfortable in the extreme as the different parties enter uncharted territory together.

The best way to use this energy in our own lives is to decide to be open, wherever Life may be asking us to collaborate, even if it feels uncomfortable, and to negotiate that collaboration with as much humility as possible, practicing energetic aikido in any battles of will. Awakening to new, uncomfortable truth is possible at this time.

On the world stage, we may see some new political decisions or legislation around the 10th and reactions/ protests to those decisions on the 11th.


November 13

New Moon in Vishakha

To the victor belong the spoils

This New Moon, conjunct Mars, and opposite Uranus and Jupiter, heralds some legitimately lucky triumphs, and some dubious, sudden victories.

Globally, various countries will be focusing on their achievements, citing "wins."

I will offer a more detailed summary of this New Moon on Instagram.


November 18

Sun conjunct Mars & Moon conjunct Pluto


This is a day when we will be tempted to exert force over a situation, in a response to our feelings of powerlessness. Decide in advance to find non-violent means of working with the situation. Channel this energy into passion for fearlessly seeing your own inner truth and boldly doing the emotional work to bring all of yourself into alignment with it.

Letting go is a theme. Let go of blame. Let go of expectations of others. Take radical self responsibility and show up fresh in each moment.


November 25

Mars squares Saturn while Moon conjoins Jupiter

Becoming Whole

Much will be made possible around this day, in helping our Beloveds to heal, and in really seeing the issues we collectively face and creating healing containers for our communities.

On a personal level, this Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S. is a great time to identify the new projects and plans that we are committing to moving forward with. There is more inner Light available at this time for a much-needed, optimistic clarity. It's a great time to get to work on building the structures you want for your life, going forward.


November 27

Full Moon in Rohini while Venus is conjunct Ketu

Connection and Spiritual Delight

The week after Thanksgiving here in the U.S. starts out with a delightful Full Moon that ends the month in a spirit of Hope.

Normally this kind of a full moon would signal delicious pleasure for the senses but with Venus conjoining Ketu on this Full Moon the "pleasure" is spiritual/ not of the senses.

World Astrology Predictions

Review of August/ September Predictions:

Here was the prediction I made:

In the Kelleher chart for the United States (set for 6:30pm, Philadephia, PA, July 4, 1776,) the US is entering a new sub-period on September 1, 2023, of Rahu/ Mercury, lasting until March 20, 2026.

This period may bring economic crisis, possibly due to economic ties with other nations where a downturn or collapse has initiated.

And this is my review of that prediction, this month:

Hamas' October 7, 2023 surprise attack from Gaza into Israel triggered a tragic escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has already killed thousands of our human family.

The U.S.'s alignment, under President Biden, with Israel, will clearly have long ranging consequences. Congress' debate over whether/ how much to fund Ukraine in the Russia/ Ukraine war will also obviously have long ranging consequences, however the U.S.' alignment with Israel is what took place soon after our country entered this new Rahu/ Mercury period so is more at play in this prediction. Though no economic crisis is (yet?) playing out in the U.S. as a result, the blending of political will between the U.S. and Israel will have complex and mixed, long range consequences here in the U.S.

 - - -

My heart is with the people of Palestine, and the people of Israel, and the land known as Gaza. Whatever modicum of peace I can cultivate in my own heart where it hadn't existed before, I dedicate to the relief of our suffering brothers and sisters in that region.

May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

May all beings everywhere be free from suffering,

and the causes of suffering.